Saturday 31 August 2013


I met a girl today, lovely young woman named Sharp. Yes that appears to be her name. I appear to be in Belgium still. She has dark hair, pale skin and wears a rather short mini-skirt, which I find rather attractive. I remember when I convinced Alicia to wear one of those, she looked so cute and sexy in it.

But enough of that, Sharp told me that my service is required. She said that the man in grey wished for me to do an assignment and since I made that deal, I'm kind of forced to. I literally couldn't say no, my mouth just wouldn't pronounce it, I became mute every time I wanted to.

So having no other option, I agreed. The assignment is to try to find a base of campers and try to extract information out of them. Apparently campers are part of a hivemind creature named EAT.
This should be all kinds of fun.

I leave you in the capable hands of the President of Pop, Justin Timberlake. I do like this song, at least I have music...makes my world a little bit brighter.


  1. <.<
    I looked ridiculous in that skirt. Moving around in it was awkward. I'll just stick to my shorts.

    Be careful when near EAT. It's more dangerous than it seems.

    Good luck trying to get information out of her. It's almost impossible most of the time.<x3

    1. Alicia, you looked sexy in it. Not that you don't look sexy all the time but just saying <3

      And yeah I don't expect it to be easy.
      Life hasn't been easy since...yeah.


  2. Not a fan of Justin Timberlake, but Poison's version of this song is the shit. [link].
